The Way Back to Mora


Illa virgo iterum veniet sed hoc tempore poterit vincere…
Again the maiden will come – but this time, will she conquer?
In this long awaited sequel to the much-acclaimed “The Mora Stone”, Willow awakes one snowy morning in the town of Mora in Central Sweden, with Yuletide approaching.

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Watching from her high bed a wonderland of dazzling fields, framed by a dark forest at the back, its snowy branches scintillating with icy diamonds, she again recalls that strange, recurring dream of something lost, of another time and place. It is only when she sees a young girl calling from the edge of the woodland that she finds herself once more falling into a different time, that of early mediaeval Sweden. It was there, centuries ago, that a great battle was fought in front of the Mora Stone – and a princess, newly crowned queen, lay seemingly mortally wounded. But why has Willow now been called back? And is her life again in danger? Amy (Agnes-Mary) Brooke’s twenty published books for young readers have received outstanding reviews from children, young adults, parents, and grandparents, and can be found on her website’s BOOKS page at
“I really loved The Mora Stone. I count it as one of my favourite books. Trust me; this is saying something. I’m 30+ and I still love it. I saw on the children’s book review something about a sequel. Is this right? Is there a sequel to The Mora Stone? If not, will there be? Thank you. Nicola T.)
“The Mora Stone”, featured on the New Zealand Children’s Literature Foundation’s Top 10 Notable Senior Fiction books, also won an initial nomination for the US Mythopoeic Awards for Fantasy Children’s Literature, with a Yahoo listing as one of the top all-time five.